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Gerald Pollack

Profile picture for user Gerald Pollack
Professor at the University of Washington

    It is especially important to observe that the fourth step is loaded. And that the water beyond is charged in reverse, creating a kind of electric battery that can generate an electric current. We discovered that it was light that recharged this battery.
    Thus, water can receive and transform electromagnetic energy from the environment in the same way as plants.
    The absorbed electromagnetic energy can then be exploited to carry out work in both the electrical and mechanical fields.
    Recent experiments confirm the reality of such energy conversion.

    The structure of this energy conversion seems rich in consequences.
    Not only does it teach us about the solar process of water and other energies, but it can lay the groundwork for a simpler understanding of natural phenomena ranging from weather and green energies to biological questions such as the origin of life, transport and osmosis.

    "I met Gerald Pollack in Tallinn Estonia in 2014 during the ILA Congress on Therapeutic Applications of Light in Health attended by scientists from around the world.

    His subject was the 4th state of water.

    I had never heard of such a subject. And I was curious to learn that this new state of water made it possible to apprehend water in a totally new, even revolutionary light, which would highlight its "intelligence and healing" qualities in connection with the light and free energy.

    We knew it was mysterious. We knew her memory since the discoveries of the French immunologist Jacques Benveniste, she turns out to be much more than that...

    The subject is therefore revolutionary."

    School children learn that water has three phases: solid, liquid and vapor. But we have recently uncovered a fourthphase. This phase occurs next to water-loving (hydrophilic) surfaces. It is surprisingly extensive, projecting out from the surface by up to millions of molecular layers. And, its properties differ markedly from those of bulk water.

    Of particular significance is the observation that this fourth phase is charged; and, the water just beyond is oppositely charged, creating a battery that can produce electrical current. We found that light charges this battery. Thus, water can receive and process electromagnetic energy drawn from the environment in much the same way as plants. Absorbed electromagnetic (light) energy can then be exploited for performing work, including electrical and mechanical work. Recent experiments confirm the reality of such energy conversion.

    This energy-conversion framework seems rich with implication. Not only does it provide an understanding of how water processes solar and other energies, but also it may provide a foundation for simpler understanding of natural phenomena ranging from weather and green energy all the way to biological issues such as the origin of life, transport, and osmosis.

    The talk will present evidence for the existence of this phase of water — how come nobody's seen it before? It will also consider the potentially broad implications of this phase for health.

    Article published on the Holistic Health website: